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EARLALL participates in the Harnessing Talent Platform Working Groups


On 23-24 November 2023, the European Commission officially launched the work of the Harnessing Talent Platform (HTP) Working Groups. The HTP is an initiative launched by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) to support regions to address the consequences of demographic challenges and to discuss how to harness talent in Europe.

The HTP is integrated by four working groups which will serve as a forum for strategic exchange on how sectors such as Digital, Health, Territorial Development and Research and Innovation can influence a region’s ability to be competitive and attractive for young and highly skilled workforce.

EARLALL was selected among more than 300 organisations that applied to become a member of the HTP. EARLALL will participate for the next three years in the Research and Innovation Working Group activities. This WG aims is to bring relevant R&I actors together and enhance dialogue, exchange of experiences and knowledge building between them; and to identify opportunities and approaches to help mitigate challenges associated with population decline of tertiary educated population and how to harness talent in R&I.

On top of that, EARLALL is already working in different actions to promote work towards skills for the future at the regional level, through innovation in lifelong learning. EARLALL is in involved in several research and innovation projects such as SKYLA (on Smart Specialisation Skills Ecosystems for the Twin Transition), LCAMP (a Centre of Vocational Excellence on Advanced Manufacturing) and TRAILS (an upcoming research project on skills shortages and mismatches). This is in addition to our work with our members through our Working Groups (i.e: Skills and Labour Market) will lead our contributions to the HTP Research and Innovation WG.