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EARLALL Launches Mobility Matchmaking Tool!


On January 12 2024, EARLALL launched its Mobility Matchmaking Tool, a new capacity-building initiative that promotes knowledge sharing and exchange between EARLALL members.  The Tool’s main objective is to offer an in-depth exchange of experience on a specific topic related to policies and practices in lifelong learning. The exchange can take place in the format of a study visit, job shadowing or a blended one (with a virtual activity i.e.: a workshop between the participants followed by a study visit or a job shadowing). The topic’s selection will be upon the member’s request. Applications will be taken on a rolling period.

The initiative is jointly promoted by the Working Group on Guidance and Ageing Societies and the Working Group on Mobility. It responds to EARLALL’s Strategic Priority 2: Facilitating mobility and internationalisation across the EARLALL network and outreach, developed as part of the 2023-2025 EARLALL Strategic Priorities.