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An international dimension for improved capacity building of guidance professionals / EARLALL Academy #8


On March 14 2024, the EARLALL Academy hosted its 8th session about An international dimension for improved capacity building of guidance. The Academy has been launched to best fulfil EARLALL’s ambitious work plan and to continue to support its members in their capacity-building at the local and regional level of lifelong learning. In each MasterClass, we will invite a new speaker to give an in-depth lesson on transversal themes and topics pertinent to the whole network. The online classes will be learning opportunities tailor-made for the needs of EARLALL’s members.

The webinar invited two experts from the Euroguidance network Nina Ahlroos and Margot Rammo. Nina has a broad experience in lifelong guidance, starting as a career guidance counsellor at Stockholm University and now serving as coordinator of the Swedish Euroguidance centre. On a European level, Nina leads the Euroguidance Network’s Communication working group and serves as a National Expert for CareersNet at Cedefop. She is also designated as the “National Correspondent” for IAEVG by the Swedish Association of Guidance Counsellors. Margit Rammo is devoted to inspiring innovation in career guidance and competence development within the European guidance community. Margit is an active member of the Association of Estonian Career Counsellors, contributes as a member of the National Career Guidance Forum, and manages Euroguidance activities within the Education and Youth Board of Estonia.

The webinar was an excellent opportunity to exchange about the Euroguidance and EARLALL networks, and provided background and practical information for helping guidance counsellors to promote mobility in their work.